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Skip The Line Private Pompeii And Herculaneum Tour With Local Guide

Listing ID: 35372
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  • Pompeii is a vast archaeological site in southern Italy’s Campania region, near the coast of the Bay of Naples. Once a thriving and sophisticated Roman city, Pompeii was buried under meters of ash and pumice after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D.
  • The Basilica, with its extension of 1,500 square meters, was the most sumptuous building of the Forum, and its space was used to carry out business and for the administration of justice.
  • The Civil Forum is the core of daily life of the city and is the focal point of all the main public buildings for city administration and justice, business management, and trade activities such as markets, as well as the main places of citizen worship.
  • The Lupanar of Pompeii is the most famous brothel in the ruined Roman city of Pompeii. It is of particular interest for the erotic paintings on its walls. Lupanar is Latin for "brothel". The Pompeii lupanar is also known as Lupanare Grande. The prostitutes in the brothel were mostly Greek and Oriental slaves who were paid between two and eight Asses (a glass of wine cost one As) for their services.
  • The Temple of Jupiter dominates the north side of the Forum, with Mount Vesuvius scenically rising behind. When the colony was founded (80 BC), the temple underwent a radical renovation and became a real Capitolium with the three cult statues of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, which looked like those of the Capitolium in Rome, placed on a high base so as to make them visible to whoever passed in the Forum square.
  • The House of the Faun (Italian: Casa del Fauno), built during the 2nd century BC, was one of the largest and most impressive private residences in Pompeii, Italy, and housed many great pieces of art. It is one of the most luxurious aristocratic houses from the Roman republic, and reflects this period better than most archaeological evidence found even in Rome itself.
  • The Macellum consists of a tuff quadriporticus with a hall for worship in an elevated position on the eastern side, in line with the entrance. The copies of two marble statues, a female and a male armed, are found on the niches of the side wall, together with the fragment of a larger statue, probably pertaining to an emperor, Titus or Vespasian, indicating how this area was intended for the imperial cult. To its left is a room for meetings of a sacred board and to the right a large room with a masonry counter perhaps for fish to be sold.
  • Located in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, Herculaneum was an ancient Roman town destroyed by volcanic pyroclastic flows in 79 AD. Its ruins are located in the comune of Ercolano.
  • It is thought that the building was a centre of the cult of the Emperor Augustus and the headquarters of the Collegium Augustalium (or possibly even the local curia).
  • The "thermae" were the city's public baths. There were relatively few private baths and these were limited to the most well-to-do families, given that the latter were the only ones who could afford to build rooms suited to the purpose. The thermal bath buildings were divided into two sections: one reserved for women and one reserved for men. Each of these contained a series of rooms with different functions: changing room cold bath room tepid bath room hot bath room all well preserved from the passing of the years
  • The Casa dei Cervi is an imposing example of a Roman noble family's house that, before the volcanic mud slide, boasted a seafront address. Constructed around a central courtyard, the two-storey villa contains murals and some beautiful still-life paintings.
  • The House of the Skeleton probably the aggregation of three smaller buildings, derives its name from the discovery of human remains in a second floor room in 1831. Some inhabitants shut themselves in their homes and they died there either by suffocation or because of the extreme heat of the gases which hit the town.
  • The Partem Domus Lignea, owes its name to a folding wooden door discovered here; it was used to separate the atrium from the tablinium (the studio of the owner). In front of the façade it's still possible to admire the benches where the clientes waited to be received from the host.
  • After the Eruption of the Volcano Vesuvius, many inhabitants fled for their lives reaching the beach. The men tried to protect women and children, but the fury of the Volcano was unstoppable and the waves, the sand and the lava destroyed the little port and the beach. The wooden boat, recovered from the ancient beach, was covered with a resinous material, which preserved it perfectly, and in 1982 it was bring back to lifeand put back in the right position, so travellers can admire it.
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  • Official guide
  • Pick up and drop-off from your hotel in Sorrento area
  • Private transportation
  • 2 hours private guided tour in Pompei
  • 2 hours private guided tour in Herculaneum
  • Skip the line entrance tickets in Pompeii and Herculaneum
  • Highway tolls, car fuel and parking


  • Food and drinks


  • IMPORTANT NOTE: From the 6th August to enter the ruins of Pompeii, as per law, it's required the Green Pass, so make sure to have all the documentation otherwise the access will be forbidden. 
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Not stroller accessible
  • Not suitable for pets
  • Infants must not sit on laps
  • • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate. • Free and reduced tickets can only be issued upon presentation of a valid identity document. • You have to confirm departure time with a local service provider before the travel date. • The program is subject to changes due to weather, causes of force majeure (road closure, public events), in which case it may not be possible to make some stops or visits mentioned in the program. The guide could amend the itinerary slightly. • Duration and itinerary times may vary due to local traffic conditions.
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  • Room
  • Hotel/Pick Up - Drop Off Location


Pick up and drop-off from your hotel in Sorrento area

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