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A Ride into Art

Listing ID: 52257
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What Will You Do

You can admire Piazza San Marco with its bell tower and Doge's Palace comfortably seated on board our boat.

The largest in terms of breadth and depth among all the canals of Venice, it houses the famous white Palladian churches, which represent a large part of the Venetian artistic heritage.

One of the most important mills in Europe, in the 2000s it became a luxury Hilton hotel.

Once a Benedictine monastery, today the facade of the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore stands majestically in the panorama of the island, the subject of many landscape paintings.


  • Private transportation
  • Fuel surcharge


  • Coffee and/or Tea
  • Gratuities


Please note:

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Stroller / pram accessible
  • Animals or pets allowed
  • Public transportation nearby
  • Infants must sit on your lap
  • Infant seats unavailable
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Not wheelchair accessible

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