Lisbon Viewpoints

Lisbon is Portugal’s vibrant capital city, famous for its rich history, culture, and magnificent vistas. Visitors can explore the city’s numerous viewpoints, from towering hills to the Tagus River banks, for breathtaking panoramas. Here are some must-visit viewpoints for any Lisbon itinerary.

Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara

The Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara, in Bairro Alto, provides a panoramic view of the city’s historic center. The viewpoint also has a garden with fountains, benches, and shade trees, ideal for a leisurely afternoon picnic.

Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara
Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara

Miradouro da Graça

Situated atop one of Lisbon’s highest hills, the Miradouro da Graça provides a breathtaking view of the city and the Tagus River. This viewpoint is especially magical at sunset, when the city’s lights begin to twinkle.

Miradouro da Graça
Miradouro da Graça

Miradouro da Nossa Senhora do Monte

This viewpoint offers a stunning panoramic view of Lisbon and is situated in a quiet residential area. The Miradouro da Nossa Senhora do Monte is also home to a small chapel dedicated to Our Lady of the Hill.

Miradouro da Nossa Senhora do Monte
Miradouro da Nossa Senhora do Monte

Miradouro das Portas do Sol

The Alfama neighborhood hosts the Miradouro das Portas do Sol, which provides a spectacular view of the Tagus River and the city’s colorful rooftops. This viewpoint is also home to a small café, making it the perfect spot for a relaxing break.

Miradouro das Portas do Sol
Miradouro das Portas do Sol

Miradouro da Santa Luzia

The Miradouro da Santa Luzia is situated near Miradouro das Portas do Sol, with a stunning view of the Alfama neighborhood and the Tagus River. The viewpoint also houses a beautiful garden with fountains and benches.

Miradouro da Santa Luzia
Miradouro da Santa Luzia

Miradouro de Santa Catarina

The trendy Bica neighborhood houses the Miradouro de Santa Catarina, providing a breathtaking view of the Tagus River and the iconic 25 de Abril Bridge. This viewpoint is also home to a bar that serves refreshing drinks and delicious snacks.

Miradouro de Santa Catarina
Miradouro de Santa Catarina

Miradouro do Castelo de São Jorge

Located within the walls of the Castelo de São Jorge, this viewpoint offers a panoramic view of Lisbon’s historic center and the Tagus River. Visitors can also explore the castle’s medieval ruins and learn about the city’s rich history.

Miradouro do Castelo de Sao Jorge
Miradouro do Castelo de Sao Jorge

Miradouro do Arco da Rua Augusta

This viewpoint is located on the top of the Arco da Rua Augusta, one of Lisbon’s iconic landmarks. Visitors can view the historic center and Tagus River and get guided tours of the arch.

Miradouro do Arco da Rua Augusta
Miradouro do Arco da Rua Augusta

Miradouro da Torre de Belém

Near the UNESCO World Heritage site Torre de Belém, this viewpoint offers stunning views of the Tagus River and the tower. Explore the surrounding gardens and learn about the tower’s history.

Miradouro da Torre de Belem
Miradouro da Torre de Belem

Miradouro do Parque Eduardo VII

Situated in the heart of Lisbon, the Parque Eduardo VII is the city’s largest park and offers a stunning view of the city and the Tagus River. This viewpoint is also home to a greenhouse and a monument dedicated to the fallen soldiers of World War I.

Miradouro do Parque Eduardo VII
Miradouro do Parque Eduardo VII

Lisbon viewpoints offer stunning city views for visitors. Lisbon’s viewpoints offer a unique way to experience the city’s stunning landscapes. Visitors can explore the hills that tower over the city or enjoy the view from the banks of the Tagus River.