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Lake Mývatn: Tours & Experiences

Iceland, Capital Region, Reykjavik

6 Day Around Iceland Summer Minibus Tour

Iceland, Capital Region, Reykjavik

6 Day Around Iceland Winter Minibus Tour

Iceland, Capital Region, Reykjavik

8 Day Around Iceland Summer Minibus Tour

Iceland, Capital Region, Reykjavik

8 Day Around Iceland Winter Minibus Tour

More to know about Lake Mývatn

Lake Mývatn is an awe-inspiring body of water located in Iceland, which attracts tourists from all over the world. Its unique beauty is derived from its various geological features, such as its volcanoes and craters scattered around it. Lake Mývatn also sustains a wide variety of wildlife, including eider ducks, waders, gulls and other birds that live on or around its shores.
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